CONSENT POLICY for cookie use conditions

This Digital Data Policy governs the collection, processing and use of your personal information when you browse the Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal website. By using our site or services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and consented to the following.

1. Why have we adopted this Policy?

Our goal is to be transparent with you. That’s why we’ve adopted this Policy, which describes how we use cookies when you visit our websites. You can change your preferences and refuse our use of cookies at any time.

2. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small electronic file that your browser (such as Chrome, Safari or Firefox) installs on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit a website. This file enables us to remember certain information (as described below) so that we can recognize you when you visit our website.

Cookies can be temporary or persistent:

  • Temporary: files are deleted from your device once your browsing session is over and your browser is closed.
  • Persistent: files are stored on your device until they are deleted.


In this Policy, the term “cookies” refers to all similar technologies that enable us or our enabling us or our partners to analyze a user’s browsing and device data.

3. What type of information can be stored in a cookie file?

With your consent (unless it is an essential cookie), a cookie can store the following information on your device information on your device on a temporary or persistent basis:

    • The point of origin of your visit to our websites (e.g. social networks, e-mail, other websites, etc.)
    • Your activities on our websites (e.g. day and time of start and end of your visit, pages consulted,
    • clicks, product registration forms started or completed, etc.).
    • The advertisements and links you click on
    • The type and version of browser you are using (e.g. Chrome or Firefox)
    • The type and version of your device’s operating system (e.g. Microsoft or iOS)
    • The type and model of your device (e.g. phone, tablet or computer)
    • Any other information you provide to us when using our websites (e.g. language preference and login details) or that enables us to respect your cookie preferences.


The IP address is not stored by cookies, but may be transmitted to our partners when you authorize the use of cookies. The IP address is the numerical code used to identify a device connected to the Internet. The IP address can be used to locate the region where a device is located and to identify the Internet service provider associated with that device.


4. What types of cookies do we use and for what purposes?

With your consent, we use the following types of optional cookies on our websites:

  • Measure and analyze audience and improve the browsing experience: These cookies enable us and our partners to better understand your use of our websites and their performance in order to improve your browsing experience. For example, to understand how you arrived at our web sites, or to compile traffic statistics (e.g. pages visited and browsing patterns).
    • These files are deactivated as long as you do not authorize them. If you refuse them, you can still access our websites


  • To propose offers and services that better meet your needs, or to propose them to groups of customers with similar interests. For example, they record the pages consulted on our websites, your interests and the links you follow, in order to propose offers and services that correspond to your interests. These files also enable us to measure the performance of our advertising campaigns.
    • These files are deactivated as long as you do not authorize them. If you refuse them, you can still access our websites


We also use essential cookies: These cookies are essential to the proper functioning and security of our websites. They enable us, for example, to secure your connection, personalize your interface (e.g. choice of language) and store your cookie preferences.

  • These files are mandatory. You cannot deactivate them.


5. How long do we keep your cookie preferences?

When you authorize the use of cookies on your device, they may be installed by us or by one of our partners.

Third-party cookies installed by our partners enable them to access the information contained in these files (e.g. your browsing statistics). Our partners handle cookies in accordance with their own privacy and cookie policies.

6. How long do we keep your cookie preferences?

We store your cookie preferences on a device for 6 months. Once this period has expired, you will again see the banner explaining the use of cookies.

This period may be different for certain browsers, such as Safari or Firefox. After a fixed number of days, these browsers automatically delete all cookies, including the one that remembers your cookie preferences. Our banner may therefore be presented to you again at a more frequent

if you use one of these browsers. For more details, please consult your browser’s user guide.

You may see the banner again if you delete the cookies yourself, enable private browsing on your web browser or if we make changes to our websites.

7. How can I manage cookies on our websites or change my preferences?

At any time, you can refuse cookies that are not necessary for the proper functioning and security of our websites (mandatory). You can also change your preferences or accept cookies again.

If you refuse certain types of cookies, the content you see will not be personalized according to your interests. If you refuse cookies, you can still access our websites.

8. How do I delete the information stored by cookies?

To delete cookies, you must clear your browsing history by selecting cookies in your web browser. Consult your browser’s user guide to find out how to delete cookies manually.

Your cookie preferences are modified in real time from our banner. However, changing

your preferences does not erase information already stored by other cookies.

9. Social media platforms and third-party sites

We have a presence on certain social media platforms, such as Meta and LinkedIn. When you interact with us through social media, you do so according to the terms and policies specific to those platforms.

Our websites may contain links to websites or services that do not belong to us. When you leave our websites, this policy also ceases to apply.

Carefully read the privacy policy and cookie policy associated with social media platforms, or other websites and services before providing personal information to them.

Contact us if you have any questions about our Digital Data Policy and practices.

10. Complaints

A person who considers himself or herself aggrieved may file a complaint regarding the processing of his or her personal information by Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal. This complaint must be submitted within 15 days of the day on which the person becomes aware of an event giving rise to the complaint.

The complaint must be addressed in writing to the attention of the person responsible for access to information and protection of personal information at Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal at the following address:

Access to Information and Privacy Officer Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal
David Bureau, Archivist
3800, chemin Queen-Mary
Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3V 1H6
514 733-8216, poste 3209

All complaints must include the following information: the complainant’s name, contact details and a brief statement of the reasons giving rise to the complaint.

Anonymous complaints are considered not to have been received.

Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 5 business days of its receipt.

Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal will investigate the allegations of breach of privacy contained in the complaint, if any. For the purposes of its investigation, Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal may request any information or document in its possession. Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal may call upon the services of such persons as it deems necessary to carry out its investigation.

Within 30 days of receiving the complaint, Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal will communicate its conclusions to the person concerned.

If Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal fails to respond to the person concerned within the aforementioned timeframe, it is deemed to have rejected the complaint.