- A Message from the Rector
- Closing of the year of Saint Joseph (message from Pope Francis, message of Cardinal Czerny, Mass and photo gallery)
- The Oratory’s prayer for the Year Dedicated to Saint Joseph
- Apostolic Letter Patris corde from Pope Francis
- Upcoming Webinars
- Hymns to Saint Joseph
- Exhibition on the Life of Saint Joseph
- Light a Votive Candle to Saint Joseph

A Message from the Rector
The Year of Saint Joseph at the Oratory
On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis announced a year dedicated to Saint Joseph to mark the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. We welcome this announcement with joy and set to work to find ways to highlight this important event in the life of the Church and in the life of our shrine. The novena in preparation for the feast of Saint Joseph in March seemed to us the most appropriate time to present some of our activities.
This year dedicated to Saint Joseph will allow us to reflect together on the meaning of fatherhood in our society. Pope Francis wrote: “Fathers are not born, but made. A man does not become a father simply by bringing a child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child. Whenever a man accepts responsibility for the life of another, in some way he becomes a father to that person.”
As I read these words from Pope Francis, it reminds me that as a priest, I am asked to be a “spiritual father” to those whom I have been called to serve. People we know through our ministry frequently look to us in this way.
The priest does provide a sense of “paternal” support – the nurturing, dedication, teaching and the passing on of the faith, and walking with those we serve through the challenging times of their lives. In these ways, Saint Joseph is a great guide and example for me as a priest.
This reflection on the figure of the father will also allow us to look at the many challenges of today’s family. We are all aware of the challenges of our society, with single-parent families, blended families and so many other situations that depart from traditional models. The Pope adds: “children today often seem orphans, lacking fathers.” Therefore, we want to link this Year of Saint Joseph with the Year of the Family that will begin on March 19.
We will often take up these words together from the prayer proposed by Pope Francis at the conclusion of his apostolic letter:
O Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Father Michael M. DeLaney, CSC, rector
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Closing of the Year of Saint Joseph
Message from Pope Francis to the Oratory for the closing of the Year of Saint Joseph
Pope Francis sends his thanks to Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal on December 8, 2021, the closing day of the special year dedicated to Saint Joseph. Read the message.
Interview with His Eminence Michael Cardinal Czerny
Closing Mass
Photo Gallery
Webinars and conferences
Please note that all webinars are in French unless otherwise indicated
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Devotion and Consecration to Saint Joseph (Webinar in English)
In this talk, Father Calloway will trace the beginnings of devotion to Saint Joseph in the Church. Legends and misconceptions about Saint Joseph will be presented, as well as what saints and popes have said about Saint Joseph throughout the centuries.
Panelist : Father Donald Calloway, MIC
Father Donald Calloway, MIC, a prominent Marian priest, exhibits an unmistakable zeal for the priesthood and devotion to Our Lady. He is a well-known conference speaker on Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary. He speaks passionately about these topics in his moving conversion story. He is the editor of two books: The Virgin Mary and Theology of the Body and The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Jérôme Le Royer: Saint Joseph and the foundation of the Hospitallers of Saint Joseph and of Ville Marie
Panelist : Sister Juline Roberge, s.h.s.j.
Miércoles 27 de octubre 2021, 7:00 horas
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 7 p.m.
San José modelo de vida interior (Seminario en línea en español)
Oradora : Hermana Andrea Mallimaci
Saint Joseph, Model of Interior Life (Webinar in Spanish)
Panelist : Sister Andrea Mallimaci
September 24 2021, 12 p.m.
Saint Joseph and the migrants
Panelist : Sister Pierrette Bertrand, o.f.s.j.
September 8 2021, 7 p.m.
Around the song Cette nuit-là
Panelist : Robert Lebel
July 2021
Saint Joseph, in Love with God and in Love with Mary
Panelist : Mgr Yvon Joseph Moreau
Thursday, June 17, noon
Saint Joseph, a Model of Paternity for Today
Panelist : Dominique Joseph
Wednesday May 5, 7 p.m.
Saint Joseph the Worker
Panelist : Jacques Gauthier
Monday, April 12, 2021
Interview with a Brother of the Holy Cross Congregation on Saint Joseph
Guest : Brother Vianney Saint-Michel, c.s.c.
Interview in French.
Blog articles
A Century Away. A Year Dedicated to Saint Joseph in 1921
David Bureau, Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Center
March 9 2021
We were astonished to discover, while browsing through the Annales de l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph that the year 1921 had also been consecrated to Saint Joseph by Pope Benedict XV. One hundred years to the day from the call of Pope Francis.
L’Église te vénère / O Joseph Mighty Patron
Traditional melody
Harmonization by Johann Sebastian Bach
Noble Époux de Marie
Melody by P. Dufour
Harmonization by Raymond Daveluy
Saint Joseph, Meek and Mild
Traditional melody
Harmonization by E. W. Goldsmith
Joseph, lieber Joseph mein
Hieronymous Praetorius
Exhibition dedicated to saint Joseph
Through paintings, statues, ex-votos and other works of art, the Oratory Museum team immerses us in the world of Saint Joseph and reveals the ties that unite the Congregation of Holy Cross to the Patron Saint of the Universal Church. To be discovered free of charge.
Light a Votive Candle to Saint Joseph
When you ask us to light a candle to Saint Joseph in the Oratory’s Votive Chapel, you can also send a prayer intention along with your donation.
According to your choice, a member of the Oratory’s pastoral team will light a candle or a lantern for you in one of the places of prayer at Saint Joseph’s Oratory.