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The saving power of hope

Let the saving and renewing power of hope flowing from the heart of the risen Christ animate our every day life.


I work at King’s College, a Holy Cross institution in the United States. This part of the country used to be a huge coal mining area. The children of the owners of the mines had great opportunities to attend fine private universities.

Growing under the care of Joseph

The month of April is a opportune time to have an encounter with Saint Joseph and to share with him in the silence and peace of his presence a face-to-face at the depths. A time for seeing and being seen by one who knows all too well God’s love. A gaze of goodness and confidence, the gaze of Joseph can sooth, promote trust and encourage. In this exchange of glances, Joseph can disclose to each their inner life, and it gives us an opportunity to confide in him.

Hope still lives

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 22, 2020 Communications, Nature, News

For over a month now, we’ve been learning to change our habits in important ways. The difficult task of preserving the quality of life on earth is just as critical and urgent as combating the virus which is threatening us today. The future of our planet rests in our hands.

Go Forward with Prayer and Perseverance

We must go forward in life with prayer and perseverance.

A path of Hope

May Saint Brother André be a source of inspiration and hope for each one of us during this time when we are all under the influence of the coronavirus pandemic. Brother André reminds us that there are no dilemmas or hardships which cannot be surmounted or overcome. There is always a path of hope for those who have confidence.

To Live Resurrected

To live resurrected is to let yourself be infused, be flooded by the gently refreshing light of the Risen Christ. It is the wellspring of hope which breathes new strength and life into our hearts, now shaken and bruised by loneliness, sickness, adversity, or worries of our days.

Believing in the impossible

What we are living through with the Coronavirus, reminds us of the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. Brother André and his contemporaries felt the weight of it heavy upon them. Today, many families are living in restlessness vulnerability, causing real upheaval in their lives.

With his friend, Saint Joseph helping, Brother André planted hope in hundreds and thousands of people who were seeking a way forward. He showed them realities that we often have a tendency to forget.

A light pierces the darkness. A voice breaks the silence.

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 12, 2020 Feasts and Celebrations

Once the celebration of the passion and death of Christ is over on Good Friday, the liturgy seems to “hit the pause button.” The ensuing silence invites each to go inward. With the Blessed Mother, and Jesus’ disciples, we enter a time of mourning.

Living Resurrected

For some weeks now, the worldwide Covid-19 crisis has been on everybody’s lips. This pandemic is sowing fear, upending our daily routines and has struck down countless victims.

Despite the remarkable advances of science, human beings are confronted once more with their vulnerability. “Life is so fragile, so fragile,” Luc de La Rochelière sang.

Easter Vigil

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 11, 2020 Faith, Feasts and Celebrations

Once the celebration of the passion and death of Christ is over on Good Friday, the liturgy seems to “hit the pause button.” The ensuing silence invites each to go inward. With the Blessed Mother, and Jesus’ disciples, we enter a time of mourning.

Good Friday

By Patrick Celier, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team at Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 10, 2020 Faith, Fêtes et célébrations

We contemplate the Cross, symbol of suffering for human beings, symbol of our suffering. Depending on the person, suffering might mean long illness, adversity, failure, violence, grief… Right now, for all of us it means: COVID-19 pandemic. But the cross of Christ is special. It is for each and every one absolutely unique. Victory of love, it is our only Hope. Today, we celebrate neither suffering, nor death. Today, we celebrate the immense love that Christ and God have for all women and men without exception.