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New Year’s pilgrimage

On January 1, 1924, two Oratory employees, Édouard Barsalo and Napoléon Carrières, had a pious idea: to start the new year off right by making a night pilgrimage from Mile-End to the Oratory, arriving on time for the first mass of the year, at 6 a.m. From this initiative, a tradition that has lasted over 80 years was born!

Update on Saint-Joseph’s Oratory’s Carillon…

By Andrée-Anne Doane

Titular Carillonist of Saint Joseph's Oratory

November 12, 2019 Arts and culture, Music

By the time you read this blog, the bells of the carillon and the consoles (keyboards and pedals) will have reached their destination, the Paccard foundry, in France.

Welcomed by a God Who Loves Them

In November, the landscape is stripped away to settle gently into the white silence of winter. A privileged moment to remember our dearly departed ones who have migrated to infinity, to another life. In November, it is these loved ones who inhabit our memory and our hope.

A short history of the great Beckerath organ in the Oratory Basilica

By Vincent Boucher et Denis Juget

Titular Organist at the Oratory / Organ Builder

September 26, 2019 Arts and culture, History

In 1957, Rudolf von Beckerath installed a 44-stop organ in the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio. He then made a trip to Montreal, at the invitation of organists Kenneth Gilbert, Raymond Daveluy and Lucienne and Gaston Arel.

Praying the Rosary

By Bernard East, o.p.

Guest Preacher, Novena to Saint Joseph

September 26, 2019 Faith, Pilgrimages and Devotions, Spirituality

Many saints and community founders felt a certain pride in affirming to have been entrusted with the responsibility by the Virgin Mary herself to preaching and spreading the practice of the recitation and devotion of the Rosary.

The Joy of Back-To-School Season

By Bernard Antoine c.s.c.

Vice Rector, Pastoral

September 9, 2019 Faith, Spiritualité

Social life is given its rhythm by successive periods of work, breaks, holidays and vacations. Summer seems to be the most popular season for taking a vacation.

Alfred Bessette : Novice (1870-1874)

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

August 15, 2019 Brother André, History

It was on December 27, 1870, just a few weeks after arriving at Collège Notre-Dame, that young Alfred Bessette entered the novitiate of the Congregation of the Holy Cross1. Dressed in the Brothers’ cassock with a double cincture around his waist, Alfred took his vows of commitment before the novice master, Father Julien Gastineau, CSC. It was during this ceremony that he took the name of Brother André.

Spend the summer with Saint Brother André

By Jonas St-Martin, c.s.c.

Director, Welcome and Pilgrimage Services

July 25, 2019 Brother André, Faith, Nature, Pilgrimages and Devotions, Spirituality

Now that summer is here, we can’t help but think of vacations, festivities, pleasure, sun and warmth. It is also a special time to begin a spiritual process of self-reflection that will open up a new place in your life.

Rituals for the Blessing of Vehicles

By definition, a blessing is “a sacramental. It is an act, when performed by a duly qualified minister, in the name and by the authority of the Church, praying that God may look with favour on certain people and things, or dedicating them to religious service.1

Bye Bye Dust!

When spring arrives, the swallows return. New plants sprout from the earth: fragile yet resilient. A gentle breeze blows through the open windows. It’s the season of renewal, of awakening, of life… and of spring cleaning! At least, that’s what we used to do to give our homes a fresh look. Before summer begins, I recommend you perform a small, practical exercise which doubles as a way to honour Saint Brother André.

Friday March 29 Homily

To mark our gratefulness for Father Claude Grou’s recovery, following his attack on March 22, and to salute his return to pastoral fonctions, we are happy to share the homily he gave, in French, during Mass on Friday March 29.

Read the Homily in French here.

Easter Bells at the Oratory

By Andrée-Anne Doane

Titular Carillonist of Saint Joseph's Oratory

March 27, 2019 Fêtes et célébrations, History

Tradition holds that on Holy Friday, church bells everywhere fly away to Rome, receive blessing from the Pope and come back to their parish on Easter Sunday to bring back the good news of Christ reborn!