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Christmas Wishes from the Rector

In this Christmas season, may peace and serenity flood your hearts and homes. May the light of the star that guided the Three Wise Men to the newborn Christ illuminate your path and bring you hope and joy.

Christmas is a special time to share love, compassion and generosity with those closest to us, and even with those we don’t know. It’s an opportunity to reach out to those in need, to spread the warmth of friendship and to cultivate mutual understanding.

There, in the Heart of Our Lives

By Bernard East, o.p.

Guest Preacher, Novena to Saint Joseph

December 4, 2023 Faith

A recent advertisement from an insurance company had a recurring theme in recent months: THERE.

All human beings are unique, in their essence, in the events of their lives, and in how they react to them. They are there, they are at that point in their lives. There, at a place, at a moment, but never in immobility.

Some people are naturally optimistic, while others are habitually pessimistic, and this gives a particular color to the entirety of their lives. Yes, there are characteristics that are unique to us and that paint a picture of who we are.

World Youth Days

We had the grace and privilege of participating in the World Youth Days from July 23rd to August 9th in Portugal. We had a beautiful experience that was both spiritual, human, and fraternal!

After spending a week in the diocese of Faro, we experienced the world days with 1.5 million young people in Lisbon, including 5000 Canadians and 400 Montrealers. We also had the opportunity to visit our heavenly mother in Fatima.

A Time to Give Thanks

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

October 4, 2023 Brother André, Fêtes et célébrations, Spiritualité

Every year in October, we celebrate Thanksgiving. This harvest time encourages us to give thanks for the bounties of nature. At the Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, we give thanks to the Lord for His bountiful gifts, but we give thanks in a very special way for this place of welcome, prayer, and peace, and for the one who made it possible, Saint Brother André. On October 19, we commemorate the anniversary of the first Mass celebrated in 1904 in this small oratory on the mountain, and on the 17th, we also give thanks on the anniversary of Brother André’s canonization.

With Saint Brother André, (re)immerse yourself in the life-giving source of Holy Scripture.

Scriptures have the ability to introduce God into our lives much like the sun brings light to the earth. The journey through the Bible can be surprising, beautiful, shocking, or bewildering, but powerful; at times, life seems to spring forth from God’s Word like clear blue skies with an irresistible force.

Brother André, Patron Saint of Caregivers

In this month of Saint Brother André, Patron Saint of Caregivers, we want to highlight the importance of those who devote much of their time and energy to people who are ill and isolated because of their age or loss of autonomy. Following the example of the Canaanite woman in the Gospel of the August 9th liturgy, and of Saint Brother André, caregivers know that life is no match for hope when it comes to believing. Believing as an immense yes to life.

A Poor Man in Whom God is Recognized

In October 1995, delegates from the poorest families in several countries came to Quebec to speak at the UN. Philippe, one of the leaders who was working to promote the dignity of the poorest individuals and families through his involvement in the ADT Fourth World* movement, and who was preparing to welcome them, wrote to me: “We feel very close to Brother André’s commitment and spirituality, and we hope that these delegates will be able to visit the Oratory and discover Brother André’s life.”

On a journey with Joseph

On several occasions, Saint Joseph moved from one place to another. In Luke’s Gospel, we see Joseph traveling to Bethlehem for the census of the people according to the decree of Caesar Augustus. Joseph and Mary also travel to Jerusalem for the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. The Holy Family also travels to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish Passover. In the Gospel according to St. Matthew, there is the flight into Egypt.

Peace of Heart

One day, I had the pleasure of meeting Armand and his wife. They were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. As a gift, they had asked a friend to take them to the Oratory. Armand’s wife told me with great pride: “The first thing we did, the day after our wedding, was to come here to the Oratory. We’ve always had great confidence in Saint Joseph and Brother André. Armand and I wanted to come here to celebrate.”

The Origin

By Patrick Celier, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team at Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 28, 2023 Month of Mary, Spiritualité

The Romans used to dedicate a month to a deity. The month of May was thus the month of Maya, goddess of fertility. When Christianity became the official religion, the month of Maya became the month of the Madonna and therefore the month of Mary. The Dominicans developed the devotion to the month of Mary. But it is in the XVIII century, with Saint Philippe Néri that the month of Mary becomes a popular devotion. Pius VII, in 1815, consecrates the devotion to the month of Mary which extends to the whole world.

Easter or the consolation of the Risen One

Have you noticed how the biblical texts we hear at Easter are texts of consolation?

During the days of the octave, that is, the liturgical week following the solemnity of Easter, the Word of God opens us to the presence of the Risen Jesus.

And each time, he surprises his interlocutors who are suffering from sadness and mourning by bringing them peace and consolation: “Do not be afraid” (Mt 28:10, Easter Vigil and Easter Monday); “Why are you weeping” (Jn 20:13, Tuesday); “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us? “(Lk 24:32, Wednesday); “Why are you troubled?” (Lk 24:38, Thursday); “It is the Lord” (Jn 21:7, Friday); “[Mary Magdalene] went to tell the news to those who had lived with him and were grieving and weeping” (Mk 16:10, Saturday).

Devotion to Saint Joseph: a Legacy of Blessed Basile-Antoine Moreau

By Gaël Jeannin

Archivist, Province canadienne de la congrégation de Sainte-Croix

March 6, 2023 Brother André, Faith, History, Religious Heritage, Saint Joseph

In 1904, Brother André Bessette, a Holy Cross religious, created a shrine to Saint Joseph in Montreal. Every March, the patron saint of the universal Church is celebrated there. Did you know that Blessed Basile-Antoine Moreau, who was born in the Sarthe department in France in 1799 and was the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is considered one of the forerunners of devotion to Saint Joseph in the 19th century?