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A listening Ear

A Listening Ear

If you go to pray in front of the urn that contains Brother André’s heart, you have behind you one of three scenes representing episodes from his life: his doorkeeper’s quarters at Notre-Dame College, from which he often contemplated the new Oratory; the office where he welcomed so many pilgrims; the hospital room where he died.

Of the three, the one that strikes me the most is the second one, and here is why. We see the little brother standing there, his eyes bright and welcoming. He listens attentively to the person who speaks to him. He has received so many pilgrims for over thirty years!

At Notre Dame University, Saint Brother André is well known!

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

July 21, 2022 Brother André, Religious Heritage

In June 2022, I was invited to the city of South Bend, Indiana (USA), to attend a conference on religious archives. The event was held on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. This institution shares some commonalities with Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal. First, it was founded by a Father of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Father Édouard Sorin (1814-1893). Like the Oratory, the university was placed under the protection of the Congregation of Holy Cross. But above all, Brother André is very present there.

Saint Joseph, protector of travelers

In the Votive Chapel of Saint Joseph’s Oratory, eight prayer stations remind us of the different titles under which we can ask for Saint Joseph’s intercession for our many needs: comforter of the suffering, hope of the sick, protector of the church, patron saint of the dying, terror of demons, support of the family, strength of the pure in heart.

The Family

By Bernard East, o.p.

Guest Preacher, Novena to Saint Joseph

June 26, 2022 Fêtes et célébrations, Spiritualité

The family is a reality, a natural institution that is found in all cultures, even if family life is lived differently in different places and times.

It is undeniable that our family life marks us deeply. There was a time when grandparents, parents, children and here and there an aunt or uncle lived in the same house every day. Nowadays, this intergenerational dimension is less present. But the family network still has a certain influence.

The Research Collection of Father Roland Gauthier, CSC. The Work of a Lifetime.

By Marc-André Ouellette

Intern at the Roland Gauthier Archives and Documentation Centre

June 16, 2022 History, Saint Joseph

Every year, the Roland Gauthier Archives and Documentation Centre welcomes interns as part of their studies in archival science, library science or document management. It is with pleasure that we share with you the text of Marc-André Ouellette, our intern in 2022.

Saint Brother André and Devotion to the Virgin Mary

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

April 29, 2022 Month of Mary

In this month of May, the month of Mary, I invite you to take a moment to discover the place of the Virgin Mary in the life of Saint Brother André.

Easter, Christ is Risen

At Easter we remember the most beautiful and greatest liberation ever offered to humanity: God raising Jesus his Son from the dead.

Seven loaves of bread and a few fish

By Patrick Celier, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team at Saint Joseph's Oratory

March 31, 2022 Brother André, Faith, Spiritualité

That morning I was to preach on the Gospel of the Multiplication of the loaves. Now I didn’t feel like talking about the parallel between the multiplication of the loaves and the Eucharist yet. As I reread the Gospel, another clue emerged with the seven loaves.

We are in a desert place, far from any settlement. For three days a huge crowd has been following Jesus without eating. Jesus is moved by compassion. But how to feed all these people? The apostles have only seven loaves of bread. So Jesus asks them to bring them to him. The disciples comply. Jesus blesses the seven loaves and asks the apostles to distribute them. Not only do they feed the crowd, but they collect seven baskets of leftovers! Because they put their poverty at the service of Jesus, he was able to do wonders.

Solargraphy in the City

By Chantal Turbide

Curator of the Museum and Artistic Heritage of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal.

March 14, 2022 Arts and culture

In the spring of 2020, the Museum of Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal was scheduled to present an exhibition entitled “Solargraphy in the Cityville“.

However, the exhibition did not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as the Oratory closed its doors on March 19, 2020, the same day as Saint Joseph’s Day!

The previous year, Fabrice Lassort, a French artist-photographer, had come to Montreal on several occasions to carry out a project in collaboration with the Marguerite-Bourgeoys Historic Site and its Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel as well as Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal.

Family Stories

By Martin Brideau


March 11, 2022 History

Since I started working at the Oratory almost five years ago, one thing I have noticed is that for many people, pilgrims and employees alike, the Oratory is a family story. During our archival exhibitions, many people have approached us to tell us how their grandparents participated in the construction of the Oratory, how an elderly uncle was healed by Brother André, or their fond memories of visits with their parents in the 1950s.

Lent Season

This year, Lent begins on March 2nd with Ash Wednesday. A period of forty days is proposed to us to live a spiritual journey that will lead us to the great feast of the Resurrection, that of Easter. We begin this period with an invitation to be converted and to believe in the Good News of the Gospel.

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

On the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis, in his message, writes: “The theme chosen for this day, ‘Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful‘ (Lk 6:36), directs our gaze first of all to God, ‘rich in mercy’ (Eph 2:4), who always looks upon his children with a father’s love, even when they stray from him. In fact, mercy is, the name of God, which expresses his nature, not in the manner of an occasional feeling, but as a force present in all that he accomplishes. He is both strength and tenderness. The theme of this day presents us with a comforting image of God, a God full of mercy, tenderness and forgiveness.