Saint-Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, a place to discover…

Saint-Joseph’s Oratory began in a unique way. A brother from the Congregation of Holy Cross was the porter at the Notre-Dame College located on Mount Royal. He had a deep devotion to Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. From his vantage point at the entrance of the college, he looked out at the mountain and saw it as a place where he could dedicate a place of prayer to this saint whom he held dear in his heart. Gradually, an initiative took shape in his mind and heart.

He carried this project in prayer. His devotion to Saint Joseph began when he was young with his parents. He had always sought Saint Joseph’s intercession with the Lord to entrust his prayer intentions. Even at the college, he acted as a trustee, addressing various requests from students, their parents, and the staff of the institution. He received donations, which he preserved to build the first chapel on the mountain. His dream came to fruition and has continued to grow. Today, we are proud to visit Saint Joseph’s Oratory in all its splendor. We intercede with the Lord through the intercession of a new saint, Brother André. A unique aspect of this oratory is its geographical location. It is situated in the city of Montreal, making it accessible by various modes of transportation, including public transit.

Devotion to Saint Brother André and Saint Joseph is experienced by all the pilgrims who visit the Oratory. This deep trust is expressed through prayer and commitment to following Christ. The pilgrimage site serves as a haven of peace, frequented by people of various religions. Visitors feel warmly welcomed by the Oratory’s staff and come to find solace in a place conducive to meditation and reflection. It is heartening to witness the joy of those who experience a profound encounter with the Lord. Since the inauguration of this place of prayer, there have been many conversions to the Christian faith, as well as numerous spiritual and physical healings. The prayer of praise and thanksgiving animates the hearts of all pilgrims.

Respect for the places helps us experience an atmosphere of reverence. The original chapel is still in place, showcasing the simplicity and humility of Saint Brother André. We are fortunate to have spaces for the celebration of the Eucharist, Eucharistic adoration, and the sacrament of Penance. The votive chapel is a place of continuous light, symbolizing the presence of Christ the Light and the devotion of those who have presented their prayer intentions. The large basilica was built to accommodate many pilgrims for various liturgical celebrations. The mosaics depict different aspects of devotion to Saint Joseph throughout the history of Quebec. Within this basilica, there is a chapel dedicated to Saint Brother André and a place for reflection before the Blessed Sacrament located at the rear of the choir. The Stations of the Cross sensitively depict Christ’s compassionate presence in our world, illustrating the profound mystery of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection. One should not forget the Way of the Cross on the mountainside, which unfolds amidst a beautiful garden. These artistic Stations of the Cross nourish our spiritual life.

I thank the Lord for allowing us to visit Saint-Joseph’s Oratory. We are called to pray through the intercession of Saint Brother André and Saint Joseph.