The Oratory magazine : something  good for the soul.

With its message of hope and light, The Oratory is here to accompany you on your journey. The magazine speaks to your humanity, underlines your courage, communicates faith, manifests your curiosity, expresses your gratitude, and says all that is beautiful, good and true.

We are excited to offer you this revamped magazine that nevertheless remains faithful to its original mission: to serve as a showpiece for Saint Joseph. In each issue, the impact of Saint Brother André is presented among our stories along with reporting and interviews. The magazine is still a primary source of information on life at Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal. It remains the shrine’s official publication. Since 1927, all of us together have been writing this story of faith!

Preview of published issues

January-April 2025

September-December 2024

May-August 2024

Magazine Subscription

Subscription Rates
3 issues a year: January-April, May-August, September-December
Canada $12 CAD $22 CAD
USA $16 CAD $29 CAD
Other countries $20 CAD $35 CAD
Please note that only those amounts are accepted as subscription payment.
Sales taxes included

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Subscribers’ Services

Telephone 1 514 733-8211 ext. 2851

Editor — Nathalie Dumas

Telephone 1 514 733-8211 ext. 2151

THE ORATORY magazine

3800, chemin Queen Mary Road, Montréal (Québec) Canada H3V 1H6